
Every day many of you ask us where can our products be seen in person. Here we will try to list all the ways how you can see our portfolio and products.

Optical Fairs

Since our early beginnings we are a regular exhibitor at Opti – Munich, Mido – Milan, Silmo – Paris, Vision Expo East – New York, SECO – Atlanta and Vision Expo West – Las Vegas. We are proud to say that our presence at Opti 2018 and 2019 as well as at Mido 2018 and Silmo 2018 was part of the project that was financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Our Website + Social Networks

We are constantly updating our online reference portfolio, so take a look, maybe you will find one of our shops in your neighbourhood. Also, follow us on facebook, instagram, twitter for newest display launches and shop openings.


Our main showroom is in Mannheim, Germany. Appointment must be set in advance.
US showroom is located in Atlanta, Georgia. Appointment must be set in advance.
A small range of our products, as well as the production can be seen in our headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia. Appointment must be set in advance.
Our distributors in France and UK also provide a glimpse of our displays within their showrooms. Do not hesitate to contact them and set an appointment today.

Looking forward to your next inquiry!


Mnogi od Vas često pitaju gdje mogu vidjeti naše proizvode. Ovdje ćemo navesti nekoliko načina kako možete vidjeti naše interijere optika, kao i same proizvode.

Optičarski sajmovi

Od samih početaka možemo reći da smo redoviti izlagač na Opti - München, Mido - Milano, Silmo - Pariz, Vision Expo East - New York, Vision Expo West - Las Vegas, SECO - Atlanta. S ponosom možemo reći da je naše sudjelovanje na Opti 2018 i 2019 kao i sudjelovanje na Mido 2018 i Silmo 2018 bilo omogućeno i financirano od strane Europske Unije, iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.

Web stranica + društvene mreže

Trudimo se redovito upotpunjavati portfolio koji se nalazi na našoj web stranici. Možda upravo tamo pronađete optiku koja se nalazi u vašem susjedstvu. Ukoliko nas odlučite slijediti na društvenim mrežama poput Facebooka, Twittera i Instagrama, imati ćete priliku saznati za recentne popuste ali i vidjeti objave novih interijera kao i samih proizvoda za izlaganje naočala.

Izložbeni prostor

Naši izložbeni prostori nalaze se diljem svijeta. Dolazak je potrebno najaviti e-mailom ili telefonom.

Naš glavni izložbeni prostor nalazi se u Mannheimu, Njemačkoj.
U SAD-u se naš izložbeni prostor nalazi u Atlanti, Georgia.
Manji dio naših proizvoda, kao i samu proizvodnju moguće je vidjeti u našem sjedištu u Zagrebu.
Naši distributeri u Francuskoj i Ujedninjenom kraljevstvu također vam mogu prezentirati dio našeg asortimana.

Veselimo se vašem idućem upitu!






Our Offices

Presenta Nova d.o.o. Croatia

Puževa 7
10020 Zagreb
t +385 1 6524 048
f +385 1 6524 049
e info@presenta-nova.hr

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Presenta Nova GmbH Germany

Industriestraße 35
68169 Mannheim
t +49 (0) 621 7245 0040
f +49 (0) 621 7245 0042
e info@presenta-nova.de

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Presenta Nova Inc. New York City

116 West 23rd Street
New York City, NY 10011
t +1 888 959 1471
f +1 888 959 1471
e sales@presenta-nova.com

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Copyright 2025 Presenta Nova | Design by: north2


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